
About Me

Who are you?  What are you doing here?

OK, fair enough.  I'm a:
  • Mom
  • Blogger
  • Bass player in a rock band
  • Southern girl
  • IT Professional
  • Fringe gamer / dabbler in the nerdly arts
  • Lot of different things

And, like many of you, I have recently become highly addicted to subscription boxes.  Moreover, I am a complete sucker for a mystery box.  So, I started a blog.

But there are like a zillion subscription box blogs out there already!  Why do you want to start a new one?

Yes, there are already tons of subscription box blogs out there, most of which I read sometimes.  They are all good at some things, and they all have their weaknesses.  My absolute favorite is, which is easily the most professional and interactive of all the blogs I've seen.  I am also a big fan of and  Like these bloggers, I want to try out different subscription boxes and share my excitement with the world over getting boxes of goodies delivered to my home every month.  It's just so fun!

One thing that I think separates me from other bloggers, though, is this:  I HATE SPOILERS.  I hate them so much!  If I'm getting a mystery box, I want it to be a mystery!  If I know I'm getting a block of soap every month, I don't want to know what kind until it gets here!  It's so much more fun to me that way.  That being said, you will NEVER see any spoilers on my blog.  EVER.  In fact, I usually wait a day or two after I get my loot to post my blog entries, just to make sure mostly everyone has already received theirs if we happen to subscribe to the same box.

Another thing you should know about me is that I am ALL ABOUT THE DEALS.  I'm not a big fan of paying full price for anything.  If you are into subscription boxes, and you, too, are all about the DEALS, then you should follow me on Twitter - @SubscriptionJky . I'm on twitter just about all day and evening, and I tweet and retweet constantly.  I don't tweet about anything that's not subscription box related, and I don't tweet filler material.  I tweet about deals and giveaways from boxes.  That's it.  I try to post some of them on the blog here now and then, but honestly there are usually so many it's hard for me to blog about them all.  I'm getting better at that, though.

One last thing, I also get bored kind of easily.  I have noticed that everyone on earth subscribes to certain boxes, and that's great if those boxes really provide exceptional value or quality.  I subscribe to some of them, too.  But I'd like to step out a little and try to bring some of the other, many, many contenders into the limelight once in a while.  There are 600+ and counting subscription boxes out there!  It just isn't possible that only about 20 of them are worthwhile.  I'm currently working on my list of all the boxes, and soon you will be able to check all of them out as well.  I love a fun, quality nail polish as much as the next girl, but seriously, there is more to life than accessorizing.  Let's see what we come up with.

Nice meeting y'all!

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